I joined the NFBUK in 2018 and served as the London branch minutes secretary From January 2019 until I was elected as the Honorary General Secretary in September 2020. I am very new to this sector and want to improve the lives of all our members by campaigning for the rights of all disabled people in particular for visually impaired.
I did my basic medical qualification in India and came over to the UK for specializing in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and so was employed in the NHS as a postgraduate senior House officer. In 2007 I developed an inflammatory condition affecting the eye nerves. This lead on to Optic Atrophy with severe sight impairment and eventually ended my surgical career.
I started learning a new life and am still learning new skills to take the challenges on board. This great challenge is the main force driving me to volunteer for the sight impaired community. In addition to this Honorary post, currently I am also a committee member for my local Tenants’ Association and am holding a Trustee post for the London Sports Club for the Blind. I am also volunteering for Blind Aid helping visually impaired people to learn computer skills.