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Stockport Branch

The Stockport Branch normally meet on the first Monday in each month, except Bank Holidays, when we move to the second Monday instead.   At the moment we are not getting together, due to a very low number of members able to attend.   However, the officers are continuing to conduct Branch business over the phone, or when they get together for other purposes.

When we do meet at 7:30pm at a pub called The Crown Hotel in Great Moor, Stockport, we start with a drink before the start of business, and have another drink at the end.

Instead of a Christmas dinner, we usually have a Sunday lunch at a local hotel towards the end of January.

Community Involvement

The Branch is represented on the local Disability Forum which meets quarterly, and works with Stockport Council and other organisations representing people with all kinds of disability.   We are also represented on the local Transport and Access Forum, which meets on the second Wednesday in each month. We work very closely with Disability Stockport.

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